Chapters of Improvement

Richard Shone Chapter of Improvement – Chingford

The Richard Shone Chapter of Improvement meets monthly on the 4th Sunday of the month from 10.30 am to 12 noon at Chingford Masonic Centre.

Cost £10.00 per Masonic Season (September  – July),  or £2.00 per meeting.

For further information please contact Mike Claxton at , or telephone 07721 500790.

Mystic Rose Curry Club and Chapter of Instruction

Meetings are held at St. Augustine’s Church Hall, Birkbeck Road, Romford, RM7 0QP

This is a Chapter of Instruction for all members of the A&AR (Rose Croix) in South Essex, followed by an optional curry club.

For further information contact Danny Field on 07793 743929, or email  or keep up to date by joining the Mystic Rose Curry Club and Chapter of Instruction on Facebook.

King Edward VII Chapter of Improvement – Duke Street, London

Under the authority of the Supreme Council 33°of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales and its Districts and Chapters Overseas, King Edward VII Rose Croix Chapter of Improvement meets at 10 Duke Street, St.James’s, London, SW1Y 6BS, on the first Thursday of every month throughout the year ( with the exception of August ) at 5.30pm for a prompt start at 5.45pm. Regalia is not required, but visitors should be duly vouched for. The Enthronement Ceremony is rehearsed in lieu of the Third Point at the January, April, July and October meetings.

Individual Life Membership of the Chapter of Improvement is £5.00 for members of London Chapters and £2.00 for members of District Chapters and Chapters Overseas.

For those wishing to become an Individual Life Member either attend one of the meetings of the Chapter of Improvement on the dates mentioned above and pay the appropriate amount or, alternatively, send a cheque for the appropriate amount to the Treasurer, Richard Pound, whose address is 28 Octagon Road, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames. KT12 4DX.

The 2020/2021 Chapter Affiliation Fee is £5.00 per annum and is due for payment on or after 1st October 2020